Fundraising – emmanuel Earth Ministry Be empowered, be inspired and be enhanced. Experience Epiphany Moments at Emmanuel Earth Ministries Tue, 08 Aug 2023 09:36:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fundraising – emmanuel Earth Ministry 32 32 Dinner With Jesus Sat, 29 Feb 2020 17:00:59 +0000

Dinner with Jesus is an annual conference that is targetted on strengthen the bonds of RELATIONSHIP.

The conference focus on three categories of relationship

Which are as follows
  • Married couples.
  • People who are in a relationship and ready to get married.
  • People who are in a relationship but not ready to get married.
However, the main focus group are those who are married. This group are the main focus group, as they are used as the bases for evaluating the issues that are addressed in the conference.
Dinner with Jesus has had several editions since it inception in 2015 febuary, and each edition is unique in it content and theme.
Moreover, this years theme is tagged RELATIONSHIP AND CARING.
This edition will be exploring the power of caring and it benefit in a relationship.
Again, we at EMMANUEL EARTH MINISTRIES, strongly believe in the institution of Marriage as an institution ordained by God almighty and it success is directly propotional to the success of society at large,
finally, we look forward to welcome every race, colour and persons that considers it as a program that can be beneficial to them.We look forward to welcome you all.
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70 days of fasting and prayer Sat, 25 Mar 2017 14:18:59 +0000
Greetings in the name of Jesus. I bring you great news today, that has capacity to change and manifest destiny.
Brethren, from 8th of august 2017犀利士
to the 16th of October 2017.
Between midnight and 1pm daily, by great faith, we at Emmanuel earth
ministries will be embarking on a journey of prayer and fasting for
seventy(70)days by the special grace of god.
Mathew 17:21-jesus speaking says to his disciple: howbeit this kind goeth not
out but by prayer and fasting.
Once again, we invite you to join us on this prayer marathon and by the name
of Jesus, your heavens will be opened and you will be a wonder in Jesus
name. Amen.
Thank you greatly
Pastor Emmanuel of Emmanuel earth ministries
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70 Day Fasting And Prayer Sat, 25 Mar 2017 14:16:59 +0000
In a time like this. Fusce eget ex massa. Mauris egestas lectus et dui laoreet euismod. In nec varius leo. Etiam porttitor velit orci, at dictum lectus iaculis non. Quisque vitae risus ac dolor tempor rhoncus. Mauris in metus a nisi volutpat convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas aliquet et felis quis convallis. Donec in porta libero. Nunc ante dui, dictum ac tincidunt ut, vehicula eget tellus.
Seigniim rhocus eusmod
  • Sectetur adipisicing elit minima odio delectus consequatur aliquam nam ipsam porroat idfacils iste.
  • Sint reprehenderit iste excepturi odio quo nesciunt distinio possimus quas quasi nisi aero cuasi.
  • Wero voluptum tenetur voluptus ipsam saepe nulla ab accutium a repellat maxime delectus.
Donec pulvinar magna id leo pellentesque imperdiet. Sed dignissim rhoncus ex at euismod. Duis euismod eros vitae accumsan lacinia. Fusce auct犀利士
or consectetur dapibus. Vestibulum ac ex nec turpis commodo molestie. Nam et sapien lacinia, varius odio vel, lobortis dui. Cras eu egestas magna, vitae cursus accsan mauris.
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